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Logo Redesign & Brand Development; raising brand awareness & community engagement
Alternatives Federal Credit Union engaged our team to implement a comprehensive marketing campaign raising awareness of Alternatives’ community-focused mission, promotional auto loan offers, and compete with larger financial institutions within the Ithaca, NY region. True Creative began our engagement with a community campaign focused on raising awareness of Alternative’s services available to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown in Spring of 2020.
Auto Loan Digital Advertising Campaign, promoting auto loans and driving loan applications
To date, the campaign has reached over 1.2 million ad views and 7,900 ad clicks to the website.
Bigger Picture Advertising Campaign to promote new member promotion
New members are the foundation to the growth and sustainability of every financial institution. True Creative implemented a member promotion campaign to drive new member enrollment at AFCU.
Member Awareness Campaign featuring member testimonials and success stories.
A newly launched campaign, this campaign focused on promoting member testimonials throughout the community. They feature stories of success with business loans, auto loans, community engagement, mortgages and more, all while featuring Alternatives FCU members from the community.
Print advertising in local print news vendors to generate regional interest
Many people feel that print advertising is no longer a valid form of marketing—not true, however, like any marketing avenue, it should be used strategically if it’s going to be effective. True Creative used print advertising in local news media publications to promote Alternatives Federal Credit Union events, campaigns, and brand awareness to locally-targeted audiences.